Eurasian Education, Science and Innovation

scientific journal

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About the journal

title: Eurasian education, science and innovation

Abbreviated key title: EESI

ISSN  2700-8622

Publication form: Online peer-reviewed journal

Established: 2020


Periodicity: quarterly

Languages of publication: English, Deutsch

Type of publication: scientific journal

Scientific area: multidisciplinary

Target audience: students, masters, graduate students, applicants, researchers, candidates and doctors of sciences

Contents: original research and review articles

The Editorial board 

Chief Editor: Imanalyev Kuanush Eralievich Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,

License terms: the authors keep copyright and also give the journal a right to publish original scientific articles containing the results of experimental and theoretical researches and are not under consideration for publication in other editions.


Access: Public access. The journal adheres to the open access policy. All the articles are posted indefinitely and free of charge after the issue. Full-text access to the scientific articles of the journal in real time is available on the official website of the journal in section Archive.


The steps to ensure high ethical and professional standards, based on the Principles of clarity and the best practice of scientific publications were taken by editorial board. See the section Publishing ethics.

Eurasian Education, Science and Innovation Journal


In press